Deadline March 8
“Encouraging the art of independent performing singer-songwriters”
How To Enter!
Write and perform great songs. Genres: Acoustic, Folk, Country, Blues, Americana, Bluegrass, and Celtic.
Submit your songs to Wildflower!. Limit of 3 entries per person. An entry is 2 songs.
Upload the songs to SonicBids or mail your songs and entry form (below) to:
Wildflower! Performing Songwriter Contest
2100 E. Campbell Road
Suite 100
Richardson, TX 75081
The fee is $20 for each entry. For mail in entries, make check payable to Wildflower! Arts & Music Festival.
Songs must be uploaded to SonicBids or postmarked by midnight March 8, 2010.
Prizes: Grand Prize Winner receives a $4,200 commemorative Gallagher guitar plus $100 and the next top three finalists will each be awarded $500 cash.
The 10 Finalists Will :
Perform submitted songs in the state-of-the-art Bank of America Theater at the Festival on May 15.
Receive complimentary lodging on May 14 and 15.
Perform at another Festival venue and sell CDs.
Have access to the Green Room for the weekend.
Attend a breakfast honoring the ten finalists.
Get to know and hear outstanding nationally known singer-songwriters.
Put on your resume that you were a finalist or winner at Wildflower!
Be exposed to several venues that book singer-songwriters in Texas.
Experience a career changing weekend of music and fun sharing your music with other finalists and booked singer/songwriter artists.
Entry form and rules :